Another major company was hacked. Global warming. Political turmoil. The next pandemic. Dads brawl at a youth baseball game…

Good Stories For A Better Week

Tired of all the negative news stories? Me too.

My name is Chris. I’m a husband, dad, and Veteran, and I’ve started to lose the optimism I once had. I’d like it back.

In My Good Three, I share three short stories per week to better connect with the good out there; past, present, and future.

Monday: a story of appreciation about someone from the past.

Wednesday: an inspiring story from the present.

Friday: a story about something that will impact our future for the better.

No politics. No Religion. No baseball dads in headlocks.

After listening to an episode, you can vote up or down the story on Instagram. And, if you’d like to submit a good story of your own, click below and enter yours…I’ll post on social or read it in an episode and give you credit.

Listen to the Trailer:

“With gratitude, optimism becomes sustainable.”

- Michael J. Fox

Submit A Good Story

Share something from the past, present, or future (or all three) that will remind us of the good out there.

I’ll try to post them on social or share in an episode. If you have questions, contact me:

Latest Episodes

  • My Good Three: Trailer

    A quick intro. Meet the host, learn what the podcast is about, and why you should add it to your list of go-to podcasts.

About The Show

My Good Three is a short, episodic podcast, with new shows being released on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Each episode covers one story about someone or something we can appreciate from the past (Monday), present (Wednesday) and future (Friday); collectively they’re intended to assist with gratitude - to help balance the negative messages we receive all week from the news and social media.

Most of us have heard about the benefits of gratitude - an effective practice is said to reduce anxiety, improve respiratory-heart health, reduce inflammation, and strengthen brain networks. Keeping a gratitude journal is good, but neuroscience research suggests that one of the most effective ways to improve your thankfulness and optimism is to consistently read or listen to positive stories about people, and, in a sense, connect and benefit from the positivity through the storytelling.

My name is Chris and I’m the host. I’m a husband, dad, and Veteran - and I’ve spent the last 20 years either at an agency making tv and radio commercials for brands, or in the trenches helping build startup companies. Regrettably, these days I’m not the positive, optimistic person I used to be, and my health has suffered…so I started this passion project to get back on track, to look longer at the good in the world, and improve myself…hopefully it can help others do the same.

When it comes to the stories I share on My Good Three, I work to find stories most people can appreciate. I try to get the story right, and to avoid politics, partisanship, or anything divisive, but I may stumble into something that you’d like to challenge - which is fine. You can send me a note detailing your displeasure at any time. If you like what you’re hearing, support the show by adding a review or rating, following along on Instagram, and sending me your good three!

I hope you find some good here.
